Saturday, March 28, 2009

Diastat again, but it's been a while.

This morning Kiera had an 11 minute GTC, she needed diastat.
She is zonked out now.

The last time that she needed a rescue medication was on the 8th of this month, so I still think that we are doing well.

I hate the med, if only we could just let her ride it out, but I know that's not a good idea.
It just knocks her out s much.

But I did get a great video of her a few days ago while she was being loud and smiling.
On the video you can see how she is really using her eyes. I have a friend that calls Topamax, Dopamax. that name fits it better.

Coming down off the topamax we are seeing better eye contact and a bit more awareness of her surroundings.

We are so happy that she is coming off this medication!

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