Thursday, October 16, 2008

Last week

Kiera had a short bout with pnuemonia again, she stayed in the hospital for 1 night, that is our record, one night only! She has an reaction from the first IV antibotic, it's called moxifloxiciln. she has had a reaction in the past from this antibiotic, but at the time I was not in the room, I took a dinner break and my sweet husband could not remember what iv antibiotic she had trouble with.
When I came back after dinner, the Doctor said that they just gave her an IV medication for the pnuemonia. I asked what it was, he told me and I saif that Kiera has had an allergic reaction to this drugs one time last fall.
He thought that since the medication was already in her system that the reaction that she had
last fall was not from this drug because Kiera was showing NO signs of any kind of reaction. She would have shown signs earlier.
The Doctor sat in the room with us as we were still talking and what would you know... Kiera started getting red in the face, then her lips became more red. I look at her and said, "Well now she is having an reaction" the Doctor left the room to get some Benidril.
Kiera cleared up well from the pnuemoinia, but the antibiotics gave her such a rash. Then it turned into a yeast infection.
So back to the Doctors for another medication to clear that up.

Kiera just doesn't seem to catch a break!

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